"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30). We are living in a world that has no need of time for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A few biblical scholars and commentators have named it the post-Christian era. Regardless of the name, the world is blind to the Light of the world, the Lord Jesus.
Our Lord commissions us to go into all the world and share the Gospel. The Gospel is limitless, and God makes it available to every individual. However, it is the individual that must make the decisions to receive or reject Christ.
With all this in mind, it is important for us to be sensitive to the needs around us. Jesus was always reaching out to the special people in need. He came to save sinners; therefore, His ministry was to those who would stop and listen. As His disciples, we must always be alert to the people that we meet. It is highly important to stand strong in the Lord, be open in our witness for Him, and care about those who are lost.
Is there still any hope for this world when people seem so negative to God and His Word? Yes, the hope rests in the Lord Jesus Christ. As long as God continues to be patient with the world and waits for sinners to come to Him, then, we too, must hold the same positive attitude.
God calls us to be faithful, and the fruit is not our concern, but the lost soul is. We are always grateful to our prayer and financial partners so that we can take the Gospel to the whole world. Without you, we could not fulfill our part in the Great Commission. Our joy will be the tree of life in the future, but the work is not yet done.
Mission Trip:
My wife and I will be traveling to Sharjah just outside of Dubai. We are still awaiting our scheduling but have been told that there will be many preaching opportunities and Bible studies. This is a major undertaking in our ministry, so we ask for your prayers as we prepare to go, and the time that we are there. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give us the right words.
We are trusting God to supply the financial needs. The cost for LWI will be around $4,200. We know and trust that our Lord will supply all the need.
World Vision:
God continues to have His eyes upon the whole world with a seep commitment to saving the lost. The Church is still a thriving institution and must remain committed to reaching into the whole world with the Gospel witness.
Pray for the national pastors that we continue to support as they minister in their churches and communities. Through them, God is reaching people for Christ.
Man cannot resolve the problem of sin, but God can. In these troublesome times, we need to be more vocal in sharing the message of truth. People need the Lord, but they cannot come to Him unless we proclaim the message of truth.
Sharing Christ on Radio:
God continues to use the radio ministry to reach into all parts of the world. This has become a main arm of Living Word International. It is a very inexpensive means of sharing the Gospel with both Christians and non-Christians.
We continue to receive responses from all over the world and special prayer requests from our listeners. It is important that we uphold them in prayer. Again, the response to this ministry has been overwhelming, and it is your prayers, gifts, and partnership that make it possible.
Pray for:
This troublesome, dark world.
His Church around the world.
Individual believers.
Those who do not know Christ.
World-wide mission ministries.
All the nations of the world.
World leaders and governments.
LWI and its outreach into the world.
LWI Board and families.
Executive Director and wife.
Prayer and financial partners.
Pastor Tica and his family.
National pastors and families.
The mission trip to Sharjah.
The financial needs for the trip.
All the financial needs of this ministry.
The weekly radio broadcast.
Our radio listeners and needs.
Time is short. The Church needs a Holy Ghost revival. And the world is in desperate need of hearing the Gospel. It is our prayer that all of us will be involved in witnessing for our Savior.
Thank You!
Thank you! Thank you! We will never cease in thanking you for your part in this ministry. Your partnership is making a big difference in this world. God knows the needs and meets those needs because of your sacrificial and faithful giving. We thank God for each one of you!